All Classes and Interfaces

Similar to BaseDrawable but has a smaller memory footprint and does not have a name
ArraySerializer<T extends com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array>
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions.
Subclass of LibFunction that implements the Lua standard bit32 library.
String buffer for use in string library methods, optimized for production of StrValue instances.
Placed on PlatformPiles
Helper class to coerce values from Java to lua within the luajava library.
Helper class to coerce values from lua to Java within the luajava library.
Позиция меняется благодаря preRender(), колизии проверяются в scheduledUpdate()
Кнопка, содержащая - Изображение фона - Значок - Надпись Можно изменять цвет фона / значка с надписью
Constants used by the LuaC compiler and related classes.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard coroutine library.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard debug library.
Should not be used in production (reflection access to a private field - its name will be changed by proguard)
Играет intro и Looping после OnCompletionListener - на десктопах нет задержки между песнями
Class to dump a Prototype into an output stream, as part of compiling.
Use this wrapper to store a reference to an enemy (always if there's a chance the enemy will become unregistered between the moment it is stored & stored reference is used in the code) No need to use as method argument / as local variable (if there's no chance for the enemy to become unregistered while it is being used locally)
Обычный снаряд, который долетает до целевого врага
Not Affects Game State Kryo serialization will skip fields and classes annotated with it
FFT stands for Fast Fourier Transform.
Bounty, exp и score x2 (по +x0.33 за каждого маленького)
An InputStream that reads data from a byte array and optionally fills the byte array from another InputStream as needed.
An OutputStream that buffers data in a byte array and optionally flushes to another OutputStream.
Usage: FloatSorter sorter = FloatSorter.getInstance(); sorter.begin(); sorter.add("Foo", 5f); sorter.add("Bar", -3.5f); ...
A Fourier Transform is an algorithm that transforms a signal in the time domain, such as a sample buffer, into a signal in the frequency domain, often called the spectrum.
Используется для fingerprint Массив GameListener должен быть с определенным типом и отсортирован - Array<>(true, 1, SystemListener.class)
Сериализирует все, кроме NotAffectsGameState
Типы GameValues Конфиг game-values.json генерируется из этого файла путем запуска prepare.bat ENUM, // [стандартное значение] юниты | значок | флаги (не обязательно) | Комментарий (не обязательно)
Global environment used by luaj.
Interface for module that converts lua source text into a prototype.
Interface for module that converts a Prototype into a LuaFunction with an environment.
Interface for module that loads lua binary chunk into a prototype.
Формирует список всех алиасов для i18n
Abstract base class extending LibFunction which implements the core of the lua standard io library.
LuaValue that represents a Java class.
LuaValue that represents a Java instance.
Subclass of BaseLib and LibFunction which implements the lua basic library functions and provides a directory based ResourceFinder as the Globals.finder.
Subclass of IoLib and therefore LibFunction which implements the lua standard io library for the JSE platform.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math library.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library.
The class is a convenience class to standardize how globals tables are initialized for the JSE platform.
Analog of Process that pipes input and output to client-specified streams.
Кнопка, состоящая только из надписи
Subclass of LuaFunction common to Java functions exposed to lua.
ByteArrayOutputStream with size limit May corrupt strings at the beginning
Class to undump compiled lua bytecode into a Prototype instances.
Data class to hold debug information relating to local variables for a Prototype
Используется с началом игры Дает бонус +50% к кол-ву лута
Constants for lua limits and opcodes.
Extension of LuaValue which can hold a Java boolean as its value.
Compiler for Lua.
Extension of LuaFunction which executes lua bytecode.
Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java double as its value.
RuntimeException that is thrown and caught in response to a lua error.
Base class for functions implemented in Java.
Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java int as its value.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the features of the luajava package.
Class to encapsulate behavior of the singleton instance nil
Base class for representing numbers as lua values directly.
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
Subclass of LuaValue for representing lua strings.
Subclass of LuaValue for representing lua tables.
A Slot whose value has been set to nil.
Entry class used with numeric values, but only when the key is not an integer.
Represents a slot in the hash table.
Subclass of LuaValue that implements a lua coroutine thread using Java Threads.
Base class for all concrete lua type values.
Varargs implemenation with no values.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard math library.
Not Affects Game State Game will not compare annotated fields on sync checks
Visitor that resolves names to scopes.
Уведомление плавно выезжает сверху и становится непрозрачным
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take one argument and return one value.
Error sublcass that indicates a lua thread that is no longer referenced has been detected.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the standard lua os library.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard package and module library functions.
require (modname) Loads the given module.
Прозрачная кнопка с изображением.
Implementation of Batch which does not draw anything.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Debug helper class to pretty-print lua bytecodes.
Отвечает за основной прогресс игры (достижения, деньги, ресурсы)
Освобождает TrailMultiLine обратно в пул, если он не обновляется длительное время (уже не виден, isFinished() возвращает true)
Prototype representing compiled lua code.
Действует определенное время Дает бонус +50% к редкости лута
Label и QuadActor всегда занимают всю кнопку и по центру
Register for Serialization Kryo will register this class automatically at the start of the game
Interface for opening application resource files such as scripts sources.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
Для объектов, которые будут браться прямо из игры (не десериализироваться)
От самых бесполезных до полезных (учитывается в сортировке тайлов)
Не позволяет удалять элементы во время итерации Вложенная итерация разрешена
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard string library.
string.byte (s [, i [, j]]) Returns the internal numerical codes of the characters s[i], s[i+1], ..., s[j].
string.char (...) Receives zero or more integers.
string.dump (function[, stripDebug]) Returns a string containing a binary representation of the given function, so that a later loadstring on this string returns a copy of the function.
string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]]) Looks for the first match of pattern in the string s.
string.format (formatstring, ...) Returns a formatted version of its variable number of arguments following the description given in its first argument (which must be a string).
string.gmatch (s, pattern) Returns an iterator function that, each time it is called, returns the next captures from pattern over string s.
string.gsub (s, pattern, repl [, n]) Returns a copy of s in which all (or the first n, if given) occurrences of the pattern have been replaced by a replacement string specified by repl, which may be a string, a table, or a function.
string.len (s) Receives a string and returns its length.
string.lower (s) Receives a string and returns a copy of this string with all uppercase letters changed to lowercase.
string.match (s, pattern [, init]) Looks for the first match of pattern in the string s.
string.rep (s, n) Returns a string that is the concatenation of n copies of the string s.
string.reverse (s) Returns a string that is the string s reversed.
string.sub (s, i [, j]) Returns the substring of s that starts at i and continues until j; i and j may be negative.
string.upper (s) Receives a string and returns a copy of this string with all lowercase letters changed to uppercase.
Base class for syntax elements of the parse tree that appear in source files.
Subclass of LibFunction which implements the lua standard table library.
Subclass of Varargs that represents a lua tail call in a Java library function execution environment.
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take two arguments and return one value.
Describes the input token stream.
Token Manager Error.
Позиция определяется точкой x, y Размеры не имеют значения
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take two arguments and return one value.
Слои, от нижнему к высшему.
Upvalue used with Closure formulation
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that takes varaiable arguments and returns multiple return values.
Class to encapsulate varargs values, either as part of a variable argument list, or multiple return values.
Variable is created lua name scopes, and is a named, lua variable that either refers to a lua local, global, or upvalue storage location.
Шаблон волны Случайным образом генерирует группы врагов в соответствии с номером и типом волны Если enemyCount равен 0, все враги в волне заспавнились
Волны врагов: Легко: - Обычные (нормально) - Обычные (редко) - Обычные (плотно) - Сильные (нормально) - Сильные (редко) - Быстрые (нормально) - Быстрые (плотно) - Быстрые (редко) Средне: - Воздушные (нормально) - Джет (нормально) - Бронированные (редко) + - Бронированные + обычные (нормально) + - Бронированные + сильные (редко) + - Лечащие + обычные (редко) + - Лечащие (медленные и редкие) + - Лечащие + сильные (редко) + - Лечащие + бронированные + - Джет + лечащие + - Токсичные (нормально) + - Токсичные (плотно) + - Токсичные + бронированные + - Ледяные (плотно) + - Ледяные (нормально) + токсические (нормально) + - Ледяные + лечащие + - Бойцы (редко) + - Бойцы (нормально) + - Бойцы + бронированные + - Легкие (нормально) + - Легкие (плотно) + - Легкие + быстрые +
Используется в BasicLevel для волн, которые прописаны заранее (без probability)
Динамическая конфигурация волны, используется при процедурной генерации волн (бесконечный режим)
Subclass of LuaTable that provides weak key and weak value semantics.
Abstract base class for Java function implementations that take no arguments and return one value.