Class LuaDouble

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LuaDouble extends LuaNumber implements com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoSerializable
Extension of LuaNumber which can hold a Java double as its value.

These instance are not instantiated directly by clients, but indirectly via the static functions LuaValue.valueOf(int) or LuaValue.valueOf(double) functions. This ensures that values which can be represented as int are wrapped in LuaInteger instead of LuaDouble.

Almost all API's implemented in LuaDouble are defined and documented in LuaValue.

However the constants NAN, POSINF, NEGINF, JSTR_NAN, JSTR_POSINF, and JSTR_NEGINF may be useful when dealing with Nan or Infinite values.

LuaDouble also defines functions for handling the unique math rules of lua devision and modulo in

See Also: