Uses of Annotation Interface

Packages that use REGS
Lua VM, only works in an interpreted mode, which allows it to support iOS.
The game itself.
Variants of Ability Abilities are what the player can use manually during the game (such things as a Fireball or Nuke).
Variants of Action Actions are small records of player's activity he performs during the run, for example selling a tower or calling a wave.
Variants of BuffProcessor Buff processors are single instances stored in BuffSystem, each of them is responsible for a single type of (de)buff.
Components are simple containers for a set of fields, and they are used in a scenarios where these fields can be empty for an individual entities.
Variants of Enemy EnemySystem is responsible for handling the enemies and spawned enemies are stored in MapSystem.spawnedEnemies
A hard-coded lists of different types of everything, for example, types of enemies or towers.