Interface ResourceFinder

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseLib, JseBaseLib

public interface ResourceFinder
Interface for opening application resource files such as scripts sources.

This is used by required to load files that are part of the application, and implemented by BaseLib for both the Jme and Jse platforms.

The Jme version of base lib BaseLib implements Globals.finder via Class.getResourceAsStream(String), while the Jse version {org.luaj.vm2.lib.jse.JseBaseLib} implements it using File(String).

The io library does not use this API for file manipulation.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    findResource(String filename)
    Try to open a file, or return null if not found.
  • Method Details

    • findResource

      InputStream findResource(String filename)
      Try to open a file, or return null if not found.
      filename -
      InputStream, or null if not found.