Class SFileHandle


public final class SFileHandle extends Object
A sandboxed wrapper for com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle. Only accesses FileType.Local files (those in the game's directory).

Currently accessible dirs:

  • cache/script-temp-files/
  • cache/script-data/
  • i18n/
  • levels/
  • models/
  • particles/
  • res/ (except res/luaj/)
  • resourcepacks/
  • scripts/
  • shaders/
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static class 
  • Constructor Summary

    Create a handle for a file or a dir.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    Check if the path is accessible for Lua scripts.
    child(String name)
    Returns a handle to the child with the specified name.
    Copies this file or directory to the specified file or directory.
    Deletes this file or empty directory and returns success.
    Deletes this file or directory and all children, recursively.
    Deletes all children of this directory, recursively.
    emptyDirectory(boolean preserveTree)
    Deletes all children of this directory, recursively.
    Returns true if the file exists.
    Returns the file extension (without the dot) or an empty string if the file name doesn't contain a dot.
    static boolean
    Same as assertAccessible() but simply returns a boolean, does not throw exceptions
    Returns true if this file is a directory.
    Returns the last modified time in milliseconds for this file.
    Returns the length in bytes of this file, or 0 if this file is a directory, does not exist, or the size cannot otherwise be determined.
    Returns the paths to the children of this directory.
    list(FileFilter filter)
    Returns the paths to the children of this directory that satisfy the specified filter.
    Returns the paths to the children of this directory that satisfy the specified filter.
    list(String suffix)
    Returns the paths to the children of this directory with the specified suffix.
    Attempts to memory map this file in READ_ONLY mode.
    Attempts to memory map this file.
    Moves this file to the specified file, overwriting the file if it already exists.
    Returns a stream for reading this file as bytes.
    read(int bufferSize)
    Returns a buffered stream for reading this file as bytes.
    Reads the entire file into a byte array.
    readBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)
    Reads the entire file into the byte array.
    Returns a reader for reading this file as characters the platform's default charset.
    reader(int bufferSize)
    Returns a buffered reader for reading this file as characters using the platform's default charset.
    reader(int bufferSize, String charset)
    Returns a buffered reader for reading this file as characters.
    reader(String charset)
    Returns a reader for reading this file as characters.
    Reads the entire file into a string using the platform's default charset.
    readString(String charset)
    Reads the entire file into a string using the specified charset.
    Returns a handle to the sibling with the specified name.
    write(boolean append)
    Returns a stream for writing to this file.
    write(boolean append, int bufferSize)
    Returns a buffered stream for writing to this file.
    write(InputStream input, boolean append)
    Reads the remaining bytes from the specified stream and writes them to this file.
    writeBytes(byte[] bytes, boolean append)
    Writes the specified bytes to the file.
    writeBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, boolean append)
    Writes the specified bytes to the file.
    writer(boolean append)
    Returns a writer for writing to this file using the default charset.
    writer(boolean append, String charset)
    Returns a writer for writing to this file.
    writeString(String string, boolean append)
    Writes the specified string to the file using the default charset.
    writeString(String string, boolean append, String charset)
    Writes the specified string to the file using the specified charset.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • SFileHandle

      public SFileHandle(String path)
      Create a handle for a file or a dir. Will throw an exception if path is not accessible for Lua scripts.
      path - path to the file
  • Method Details

    • assertAccessible

      public static void assertAccessible(String path)
      Check if the path is accessible for Lua scripts. Will throw an exception if it is not.
    • isAccessible

      public static boolean isAccessible(String path)
      Same as assertAccessible() but simply returns a boolean, does not throw exceptions
    • path

      public String path()
      the path of the file as specified on construction, e.g. Gdx.files.internal("dir/file.png") -> dir/file.png. backward slashes will be replaced by forward slashes.
    • name

      public String name()
      the name of the file, without any parent paths.
    • extension

      public String extension()
      Returns the file extension (without the dot) or an empty string if the file name doesn't contain a dot.
    • nameWithoutExtension

      public String nameWithoutExtension()
      the name of the file, without parent paths or the extension.
    • pathWithoutExtension

      public String pathWithoutExtension()
      the path and filename without the extension, e.g. dir/dir2/file.png -> dir/dir2/file. backward slashes will be returned as forward slashes.
    • read

      public InputStream read()
      Returns a stream for reading this file as bytes.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • read

      public BufferedInputStream read(int bufferSize)
      Returns a buffered stream for reading this file as bytes.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • reader

      public Reader reader()
      Returns a reader for reading this file as characters the platform's default charset.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • reader

      public Reader reader(String charset)
      Returns a reader for reading this file as characters.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • reader

      public BufferedReader reader(int bufferSize)
      Returns a buffered reader for reading this file as characters using the platform's default charset.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • reader

      public BufferedReader reader(int bufferSize, String charset)
      Returns a buffered reader for reading this file as characters.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • readString

      public String readString()
      Reads the entire file into a string using the platform's default charset.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • readString

      public String readString(String charset)
      Reads the entire file into a string using the specified charset.
      charset - If null the default charset is used.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • readBytes

      public byte[] readBytes()
      Reads the entire file into a byte array.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read.
    • readBytes

      public int readBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int size)
      Reads the entire file into the byte array. The byte array must be big enough to hold the file's data.
      bytes - the array to load the file into
      offset - the offset to start writing bytes
      size - the number of bytes to read, see length()
      the number of read bytes
    • map

      public ByteBuffer map()
      Attempts to memory map this file in READ_ONLY mode. Android files must not be compressed.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read, or memory mapping fails, or is a Files.FileType.Classpath file.
    • map

      public ByteBuffer map(FileChannel.MapMode mode)
      Attempts to memory map this file. Android files must not be compressed.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, doesn't exist, or could not be read, or memory mapping fails, or is a Files.FileType.Classpath file.
    • write

      public OutputStream write(boolean append)
      Returns a stream for writing to this file. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • write

      public OutputStream write(boolean append, int bufferSize)
      Returns a buffered stream for writing to this file. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      bufferSize - The size of the buffer.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • write

      public void write(InputStream input, boolean append)
      Reads the remaining bytes from the specified stream and writes them to this file. The stream is closed. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • writer

      public Writer writer(boolean append)
      Returns a writer for writing to this file using the default charset. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • writer

      public Writer writer(boolean append, String charset)
      Returns a writer for writing to this file. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      charset - May be null to use the default charset.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • writeString

      public void writeString(String string, boolean append)
      Writes the specified string to the file using the default charset. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • writeString

      public void writeString(String string, boolean append, String charset)
      Writes the specified string to the file using the specified charset. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      charset - May be null to use the default charset.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • writeBytes

      public void writeBytes(byte[] bytes, boolean append)
      Writes the specified bytes to the file. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • writeBytes

      public void writeBytes(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, boolean append)
      Writes the specified bytes to the file. Parent directories will be created if necessary.
      append - If false, this file will be overwritten if it exists, otherwise it will be appended.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle represents a directory, if it is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or if it could not be written.
    • list

      public SFileHandle[] list()
      Returns the paths to the children of this directory. Returns an empty list if this file handle represents a file and not a directory. On the desktop, an Files.FileType.Internal handle to a directory on the classpath will return a zero length array.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file is an Files.FileType.Classpath file.
    • list

      public SFileHandle[] list(FileFilter filter)
      Returns the paths to the children of this directory that satisfy the specified filter. Returns an empty list if this file handle represents a file and not a directory. On the desktop, an Files.FileType.Internal handle to a directory on the classpath will return a zero length array.
      filter - the FileFilter to filter files
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file is an Files.FileType.Classpath file.
    • list

      public SFileHandle[] list(FilenameFilter filter)
      Returns the paths to the children of this directory that satisfy the specified filter. Returns an empty list if this file handle represents a file and not a directory. On the desktop, an Files.FileType.Internal handle to a directory on the classpath will return a zero length array.
      filter - the FilenameFilter to filter files
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file is an Files.FileType.Classpath file.
    • list

      public SFileHandle[] list(String suffix)
      Returns the paths to the children of this directory with the specified suffix. Returns an empty list if this file handle represents a file and not a directory. On the desktop, an Files.FileType.Internal handle to a directory on the classpath will return a zero length array.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file is an Files.FileType.Classpath file.
    • isDirectory

      public boolean isDirectory()
      Returns true if this file is a directory. Always returns false for classpath files. On Android, an Files.FileType.Internal handle to an empty directory will return false. On the desktop, an Files.FileType.Internal handle to a directory on the classpath will return false.
    • child

      public SFileHandle child(String name)
      Returns a handle to the child with the specified name.
    • sibling

      public SFileHandle sibling(String name)
      Returns a handle to the sibling with the specified name.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file is the root.
    • parent

      public SFileHandle parent()
    • mkdirs

      public void mkdirs()
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file.
    • exists

      public boolean exists()
      Returns true if the file exists. On Android, a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal handle to a directory will always return false. Note that this can be very slow for internal files on Android!
    • delete

      public boolean delete()
      Deletes this file or empty directory and returns success. Will not delete a directory that has children.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file.
    • deleteDirectory

      public boolean deleteDirectory()
      Deletes this file or directory and all children, recursively.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file.
    • emptyDirectory

      public void emptyDirectory()
      Deletes all children of this directory, recursively.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file.
    • emptyDirectory

      public void emptyDirectory(boolean preserveTree)
      Deletes all children of this directory, recursively. Optionally preserving the folder structure.
      GdxRuntimeException - if this file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file.
    • copyTo

      public void copyTo(SFileHandle dest)
      Copies this file or directory to the specified file or directory. If this handle is a file, then 1) if the destination is a file, it is overwritten, or 2) if the destination is a directory, this file is copied into it, or 3) if the destination doesn't exist, mkdirs() is called on the destination's parent and this file is copied into it with a new name. If this handle is a directory, then 1) if the destination is a file, GdxRuntimeException is thrown, or 2) if the destination is a directory, this directory is copied into it recursively, overwriting existing files, or 3) if the destination doesn't exist, mkdirs() is called on the destination and this directory is copied into it recursively.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the destination file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file, or copying failed.
    • moveTo

      public void moveTo(SFileHandle dest)
      Moves this file to the specified file, overwriting the file if it already exists.
      GdxRuntimeException - if the source or destination file handle is a Files.FileType.Classpath or Files.FileType.Internal file.
    • length

      public long length()
      Returns the length in bytes of this file, or 0 if this file is a directory, does not exist, or the size cannot otherwise be determined.
    • lastModified

      public long lastModified()
      Returns the last modified time in milliseconds for this file. Zero is returned if the file doesn't exist. Zero is returned for Files.FileType.Classpath files. On Android, zero is returned for Files.FileType.Internal files. On the desktop, zero is returned for Files.FileType.Internal files on the classpath.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object