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GTA SA weather gallery
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA weather gallery
Prineside DevTools
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ID 141095 of weather in GTA San Andreas at 01:00 for SA-MP and MTA

Screenshots from the game with this weather

The real ID of this weather: 39. There are only 256 different weather IDs which always repeat. You can use correct ID to find this weather in our weather gallery.

This is a brief page for weather number (ID) 141095 in the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas game. You can see the screen shot of the game at 01:00

This weather is just the same as weather with any of these IDs:


Weather ID can be used on SA-MP and MTA servers as well as in another mods for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Setting weather on MTA server

Instantly set the weather:

-- Change weather for every player If called serverside. To change weather for particular player, call it clientsde
setWeather ( 141095 )
setTime ( 1, 0 ) -- Set time (not necessary)
Smooth transition to the new weather:
-- Change weather for every player If called serverside. To change weather for particular player, call it clientsde
setWeatherBlended ( 141095 )
setTime ( 1, 0 ) -- Set time (not necessary)

Set weather on SA-MP server

Change weather for everybody:

SetWeather ( 141095 );
SetWorldTime ( 1 ); // Set time (not necessary)
Change weather for one player:
// playerid - ID of the player
SetPlayerWeather ( playerid, 141095 );
SetPlayerTime ( playerid, 1, 0 ); // Set time (not necessary)

View other weather IDs