GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Gdyn_barrier17 [998]

Gdyn_barrier17 [998]
{ 1393.77, 927.09, 10.7344 },
{ 1393.87, 969.49, 10.7344 },
{ 1378.62, 1003.53, 10.7344 },
{ 1388.95, 1003.53, 10.7344 },
{ 1388.95, 1014.89, 10.7344 },
{ 1378.62, 1014.89, 10.7344 },
{ 1377.85, 1030.87, 10.7344 },
{ 1388.14, 1030.87, 10.7344 },
{ 1377.85, 1046.99, 10.7344 },
{ 1388.14, 1046.99, 10.7344 },
{ 1378.33, 1063.35, 10.7344 },
{ 1388.65, 1063.35, 10.7344 },
{ 1477.38, 927.09, 10.7344 },
{ 1464.32, 1023.27, 10.7344 },
{ 1677.46, 1079.39, 10.6094 },
{ 1677.46, 1069.09, 10.6094 },
{ 1677.46, 1110.28, 10.6094 },
{ 1677.46, 1099.98, 10.6094 },
{ 1677.46, 1089.69, 10.6094 },
{ 1682.92, 1063.29, 10.6094 },
{ 1693.22, 1063.29, 10.6094 },
{ 1713.80, 1063.29, 10.6094 },
{ 1703.51, 1063.29, 10.6094 },
{ 1724.10, 1063.29, 10.6094 },
{ 1744.70, 1063.29, 10.6094 },
{ 1734.40, 1063.29, 10.6094 }
Gdyn_barrier17 [998] on the dark background

Found objects: 26

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 5.20818 m.
Border box Length: 10.6346 m.
Width: 1.484761 m.
Height: 0.584031 m.
Files TXD: metalbarrier_CJ.txd
IDE: barriers.ide
DFF: Gdyn_barrier17.dff
Views 4187
Gdyn_barrier17 [998] on the light background