GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Packing_carates04 [944]

Packing_carates04 [944]
{ -2188.52, -236.81, 36.3984 },
{ -2153.80, -229.04, 36.3984 },
{ -2146.27, -238.41, 36.3984 },
{ -2171.10, -235.70, 36.3984 },
{ -2145.16, -234.17, 36.3984 },
{ -2146.02, -228.50, 36.3984 },
{ -2149.88, -229.72, 36.3984 },
{ -2177.54, -259.83, 36.3984 },
{ -2175.75, -266.34, 36.3984 },
{ -2146.06, -251.01, 36.3984 },
{ -2180.39, -247.46, 36.3984 },
{ -811.26, 492.56, 1359.4200 },
{ -811.26, 494.20, 1359.5300 }
Packing_carates04 [944] on the dark background

Found objects: 13

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 1.81505 m.
Border box Length: 2.97338 m.
Width: 1.49865 m.
Height: 1.445881 m.
Files TXD: crates_n_stuffext.txd
IDE: propext.ide
DFF: Packing_carates04.dff
Views 4219
Packing_carates04 [944] on the light background