GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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A small desert Bush (sand_combush1) [864]

A small desert Bush (sand_combush1) [864]
{ 352.77, 2444.41, 15.8828 },
{ 346.90, 2435.55, 16.2266 },
{ 345.24, 2432.13, 16.0391 },
{ 346.41, 2445.30, 15.9922 },
{ 357.59, 2449.62, 15.6406 },
{ 364.23, 2450.76, 15.5469 },
{ -737.27, 2423.12, 127.6640 },
{ -743.77, 2424.48, 131.6330 },
{ -741.53, 2419.98, 129.5160 },
{ -733.59, 2420.21, 127.1950 },
{ -728.73, 2422.03, 127.0080 },
{ -746.78, 2431.81, 128.4770 },
{ -736.91, 2437.07, 125.2810 },
{ -752.69, 2436.68, 127.9770 },
{ -754.15, 2441.15, 125.5780 },
{ -744.14, 2444.07, 124.0700 },
{ -1589.38, -2640.68, 52.4453 },
{ -1585.75, -2641.95, 52.4453 },
{ -1570.50, -2645.11, 53.0859 },
{ -1535.05, -2645.11, 52.7734 },
{ -1537.94, -2645.11, 52.7734 },
{ -1537.94, -2642.80, 52.3359 },
{ -1533.16, -2642.80, 51.7266 },
{ -1507.11, -2642.91, 47.4844 },
{ -1499.32, -2645.46, 47.6562 },
{ -1499.90, -2647.98, 48.5859 },
{ -1502.14, -2647.31, 48.3750 },
{ -1504.23, -2645.21, 48.0469 },
{ -1502.33, -2642.95, 46.8828 },
{ -1501.43, -2643.34, 46.6094 },
{ -1467.52, -2644.70, 42.1484 },
{ -1464.81, -2642.13, 41.1641 },
{ -1461.59, -2641.93, 40.4609 },
{ -1458.21, -2640.36, 39.5078 },
{ -1458.01, -2629.70, 38.2578 },
{ -1439.01, -2640.95, 59.0547 },
{ -1439.01, -2643.27, 59.4453 },
{ -1434.23, -2640.95, 58.7422 },
{ -1436.12, -2643.27, 60.3750 },
{ -1454.75, -2628.06, 37.0391 },
{ -1334.53, -2661.20, 53.1094 },
{ -1331.55, -2663.55, 54.2188 },
{ -1329.84, -2661.80, 53.0625 },
{ -1458.01, -2604.41, 63.2188 },
{ -1334.90, -2589.27, 41.1016 },
{ -1331.87, -2589.27, 40.6641 },
{ -1335.02, -2586.95, 41.1562 },
{ -191.97, -2813.29, 42.2969 },
{ -194.09, -2809.45, 42.4219 },
{ -191.38, -2807.73, 42.1016 },
{ -193.95, -2804.60, 42.2656 },
{ -191.98, -2797.60, 40.8516 },
{ -193.23, -2790.70, 39.8203 },
{ -192.91, -2782.30, 38.3594 },
{ -192.66, -2773.05, 36.6641 },
{ -190.21, -2777.39, 37.2109 },
{ -178.68, -2782.96, 39.1797 },
{ -178.84, -2788.06, 39.0781 },
{ -176.37, -2796.75, 39.7812 },
{ -183.91, -2727.19, 33.4844 },
{ -172.89, -2812.12, 40.5625 },
{ -175.59, -2624.15, 28.1641 },
{ -176.04, -2620.57, 28.9609 },
{ -179.60, -2601.09, 32.2188 },
{ -178.93, -2598.28, 32.3438 },
{ -181.03, -2597.76, 32.4844 },
{ -168.32, -2660.34, 30.0625 },
{ -167.70, -2600.96, 31.4531 },
{ -166.54, -2606.98, 30.1797 },
{ -159.91, -2630.99, 25.7344 },
{ -171.81, -2579.82, 35.9297 },
{ -172.55, -2583.46, 34.9531 },
{ -174.03, -2567.12, 35.5547 },
{ -188.41, -2536.64, 32.7344 },
{ -178.02, -2537.91, 33.1094 },
{ -175.98, -2560.86, 35.1328 },
{ -175.64, -2533.33, 32.1484 },
{ -186.38, -2528.62, 31.6641 },
{ -163.38, -2494.63, 27.1094 },
{ -165.14, -2514.13, 28.1641 },
{ -164.46, -2499.74, 27.4219 },
{ -159.57, -2490.63, 26.6797 },
{ -175.76, -2474.55, 27.6719 },
{ -175.21, -2481.88, 27.4062 },
{ -172.99, -2461.91, 28.1250 },
{ -172.13, -2429.52, 33.8203 },
{ -154.81, -2473.93, 29.1875 },
{ -155.68, -2475.27, 28.7500 },
{ -168.49, -2450.59, 30.3359 },
{ -151.64, -2469.45, 30.4375 },
{ -147.16, -2450.13, 35.5156 }
A small desert Bush (sand_combush1) [864] on the dark background

Found objects: 91

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision No
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 2.86757 m.
Border box Length: 4.69258 m.
Width: 4.903 m.
Height: 2.872547 m.
Files TXD: gta_procdesert.txd
IDE: procobj.ide
DFF: sand_combush1.dff
Tags Plants The bushes
Views 7427
A small desert Bush (sand_combush1) [864] on the light background