GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Elmsparse_hi [774]

Elmsparse_hi [774]
{ -178.85, 949.62, 15.3438 },
{ -372.74, 1066.28, 17.2500 },
{ -136.30, 765.11, 20.8594 },
{ -82.97, 1022.78, 18.6328 },
{ -22.79, 904.91, 22.1406 },
{ 17.87, 787.43, 29.8359 },
{ -245.75, 1111.28, 17.9453 },
{ 39.55, 1087.09, 18.4062 },
{ 131.97, 972.93, 15.9766 },
{ -2249.17, -2466.09, 28.2500 },
{ -2248.64, -2452.48, 28.2500 },
{ -2829.72, 186.28, 8.8984 },
{ -2829.29, 202.16, 8.2031 },
{ -2643.88, 204.00, 3.3672 },
{ -2600.80, 253.38, 7.7266 },
{ -2602.96, 267.95, 5.5313 },
{ -2605.14, 281.81, 3.8906 },
{ -2579.66, 361.16, 9.2031 },
{ -2589.19, 361.49, 5.7422 },
{ -2594.31, 370.47, 5.3984 },
{ -2572.30, 414.40, 16.3828 },
{ -2492.28, 224.62, 30.6094 },
{ -2527.23, 389.61, 20.4453 },
{ -2306.38, 332.95, 36.2734 },
{ -2286.45, 336.30, 35.4531 },
{ -2332.92, 371.98, 34.1641 },
{ -2309.60, 392.23, 34.1641 },
{ -2556.67, 432.66, 17.5234 },
{ -2522.74, 400.01, 21.4688 },
{ -2517.07, 410.66, 22.7031 },
{ -2504.64, 500.14, 29.0703 },
{ -2402.08, 535.38, 29.3750 },
{ -2432.62, 538.55, 29.3438 },
{ -2829.95, -13.02, 7.3281 },
{ -2830.67, 26.85, 8.0234 },
{ -2830.86, 65.43, 8.3359 },
{ -2829.77, 162.77, 9.6875 }
Elmsparse_hi [774] on the dark background

Found objects: 37

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 24.7257 m.
Border box Length: 39.6891 m.
Width: 29.99473 m.
Height: 25.94316 m.
Files TXD: tree1.txd
IDE: vegepart.ide
DFF: Elmsparse_hi.dff
Views 4673
Elmsparse_hi [774] on the light background