GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Pinebg_hi [770]

Pinebg_hi [770]
{ -2343.41, -2295.92, 19.6016 },
{ -2322.82, -2292.51, 20.6562 },
{ -2339.42, -2278.49, 18.2422 },
{ -2352.31, -2271.02, 16.1953 },
{ -2331.31, -2260.75, 18.3359 },
{ -2317.79, -2277.90, 20.5781 },
{ -2312.77, -2286.62, 21.3281 },
{ -2313.23, -2279.59, 21.0312 },
{ -2285.30, -2322.13, 24.6797 },
{ -2299.91, -2312.30, 22.9375 },
{ -2277.06, -2325.12, 25.5078 },
{ -2295.58, -2296.45, 23.0938 },
{ -2300.82, -2293.66, 22.5859 },
{ -2291.33, -2272.77, 22.6094 },
{ -2286.64, -2299.98, 23.7734 },
{ -2286.13, -2288.41, 23.7500 },
{ -2271.57, -2307.58, 25.6953 },
{ -2266.47, -2286.80, 26.0078 },
{ -2247.87, -2337.84, 28.6797 },
{ -2255.27, -2338.13, 28.5234 },
{ -2246.19, -2325.98, 28.0859 },
{ -2254.75, -2320.20, 28.0859 },
{ -2321.14, -2222.31, 24.5469 },
{ -2312.58, -2221.14, 24.2188 },
{ -2305.65, -2215.91, 26.7891 },
{ -2297.91, -2213.63, 26.7188 },
{ -2292.02, -2209.30, 28.5469 }
Pinebg_hi [770] on the dark background

Found objects: 27

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 9.61233 m.
Border box Length: 13.33672 m.
Width: 13.42157 m.
Height: 16.79046 m.
Files TXD: tree3.txd
IDE: vegepart.ide
DFF: Pinebg_hi.dff
Views 3585
Pinebg_hi [770] on the light background