GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Elmtreegrn_hi [767]

Elmtreegrn_hi [767]
{ -2160.42, -2566.66, 29.5156 },
{ -2202.94, -2534.07, 29.5156 },
{ -2248.59, -2415.77, 30.7266 },
{ -2173.96, -2247.12, 29.5000 },
{ -2172.18, -2225.75, 29.5000 },
{ -2150.62, -2225.59, 29.5000 },
{ -2744.73, 2318.59, 68.8906 },
{ -2563.59, 2278.98, 3.7813 },
{ -2757.09, 2394.80, 84.8750 },
{ -2753.57, 2467.86, 93.9375 },
{ -2505.98, 2386.52, 14.5312 },
{ -2531.68, 2426.77, 16.2188 },
{ -2434.87, 2384.67, 8.0938 },
{ -2476.74, 232.77, 31.8750 },
{ -2351.69, 330.23, 34.1641 },
{ -2269.68, 335.56, 34.2500 },
{ -2316.67, 340.15, 34.1641 },
{ -2321.45, 384.18, 34.1641 },
{ -2832.06, -259.35, 8.6484 },
{ -2834.52, -199.07, 8.4141 },
{ -2832.48, -57.20, 6.4531 },
{ -2831.02, 147.16, 10.7656 }
Elmtreegrn_hi [767] on the dark background

Found objects: 22

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 19.3117 m.
Border box Length: 29.2769 m.
Width: 28.1931 m.
Height: 24.2274 m.
Files TXD: tree1.txd
IDE: vegepart.ide
DFF: Elmtreegrn_hi.dff
Views 4372
Elmtreegrn_hi [767] on the light background