GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Average joinee tree (tree_hipoly09) [731]

Average joinee tree (tree_hipoly09) [731]
{ 331.08, -882.05, 11.1328 },
{ 328.06, -830.55, 8.4844 },
{ 382.60, -755.52, 16.6172 },
{ -1684.56, -1530.02, 34.0078 },
{ -1712.47, -1497.75, 33.5000 },
{ -474.22, -1799.70, 10.3359 },
{ -493.01, -1781.63, 6.8750 },
{ -473.23, -1748.60, 11.1406 },
{ -382.36, -1735.48, 11.1328 },
{ -1814.56, -1439.84, 35.0312 },
{ -1773.05, -1465.67, 32.8203 },
{ -1833.34, -1402.41, 35.8828 },
{ -1865.04, -1412.41, 36.6875 },
{ -1844.91, -1377.15, 34.4844 },
{ -1868.10, -1317.89, 33.9531 },
{ -1841.84, -1298.04, 34.9922 },
{ -1707.52, -1294.93, 48.9688 },
{ -1737.74, -1254.30, 48.2031 },
{ 675.04, -1723.16, 5.1250 },
{ -2070.71, 1194.47, 45.4844 },
{ -2072.55, 1097.41, 55.3828 },
{ -2092.14, 1126.87, 51.0547 },
{ -2052.86, 990.34, 56.4453 },
{ -2059.12, 838.55, 59.5547 },
{ -2067.04, 699.42, 63.5859 },
{ -2038.11, 708.65, 51.9062 },
{ -2067.04, 648.25, 50.6719 },
{ -2035.00, 590.26, 36.0703 },
{ -1653.74, 657.99, 9.2734 },
{ -1585.79, 782.36, 5.1250 },
{ -2325.31, 2350.01, 3.1641 },
{ -1878.41, 583.76, 34.7656 },
{ -2058.84, -368.13, 33.9844 },
{ -2106.40, -364.04, 33.9844 },
{ -2167.31, -363.50, 33.9844 },
{ -2010.23, -555.44, 31.8047 },
{ -2133.75, -491.27, 36.5938 },
{ -1798.85, -543.98, 14.1016 },
{ -1787.32, -516.70, 14.1016 },
{ -1801.16, -478.62, 14.1016 },
{ -1865.05, -1192.45, 33.7188 },
{ -1853.15, -1195.30, 33.7188 },
{ -1948.94, -1200.77, 33.7188 },
{ -1948.20, -1188.56, 33.7188 }
Average joinee tree (tree_hipoly09) [731] on the dark background

Found objects: 44

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 25.0397 m.
Border box Length: 26.1747 m.
Width: 25.138 m.
Height: 49.8505 m.
Files TXD: gtatreeshi9.txd
IDE: vegepart.ide
DFF: tree_hipoly09.dff
Tags Needles Plants Tree
Views 6599
Average joinee tree (tree_hipoly09) [731] on the light background