GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Coniferous tree (pinetree03) [660]

Coniferous tree (pinetree03) [660]
{ 847.36, -732.45, 93.4922 },
{ 843.16, -734.19, 92.6016 },
{ 866.98, -869.98, 75.9922 },
{ 867.50, -876.36, 75.9922 },
{ 881.44, -871.51, 76.8516 },
{ 875.78, -866.66, 76.2656 },
{ 926.73, -813.91, 101.5550 },
{ 954.20, -770.88, 107.2500 },
{ 933.03, -746.20, 109.3120 },
{ 914.58, -750.13, 102.2270 },
{ 988.95, -782.24, 103.1880 },
{ 994.85, -777.90, 103.1250 },
{ 2467.04, -1021.41, 59.5234 }
Coniferous tree (pinetree03) [660] on the dark background

Found objects: 13

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 6.79876 m.
Border box Length: 4.83817 m.
Width: 3.80074 m.
Height: 13.56143 m.
Files TXD: gta_tree_oldpine.txd
IDE: vegepart.ide
DFF: pinetree03.dff
Tags Needles Plants Tree
Views 6583
Coniferous tree (pinetree03) [660] on the light background