GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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sf_rooflite [3877]

sf_rooflite [3877]
{ -1989.03, 624.56, 145.9770 },
{ -1915.62, 624.56, 145.9770 },
{ -1989.03, 696.98, 145.9770 },
{ -1915.62, 696.98, 145.9770 },
{ -1772.29, 766.45, 168.2110 },
{ -1772.29, 813.10, 168.2110 },
{ -1726.31, 637.07, 105.8050 },
{ -1726.31, 719.17, 105.8050 },
{ -1735.24, 776.49, 168.2110 },
{ -1735.24, 803.14, 168.2110 },
{ -1592.70, 743.46, 80.8906 },
{ -1592.70, 758.45, 80.8906 },
{ -1618.95, 788.42, 80.8906 },
{ -1768.23, 964.57, 96.3906 },
{ -1698.05, 866.20, 137.3050 },
{ -1698.05, 902.96, 137.3050 },
{ -1740.19, 964.57, 96.3906 },
{ -1638.89, 866.20, 137.3050 },
{ -1638.89, 902.96, 137.3050 },
{ -1867.11, 1044.01, 145.7970 },
{ -1833.51, 1044.01, 145.7970 },
{ -1822.93, 1051.90, 145.7970 },
{ -1867.11, 1084.84, 145.7970 },
{ -1812.33, 1085.09, 145.7970 },
{ -1812.33, 1071.70, 145.7970 },
{ -1686.48, 1042.66, 93.5078 },
{ -1686.48, 1075.05, 93.5078 },
{ -1686.48, 1105.79, 93.5078 },
{ -1620.88, 1008.55, 70.3359 },
{ -1620.88, 1085.48, 70.3359 },
{ -2691.79, 480.24, 49.2734 },
{ -2623.71, 480.24, 49.2734 },
{ -2565.91, 480.24, 49.2734 },
{ -2619.74, 596.48, 67.8672 },
{ -2706.20, 695.12, 67.8672 },
{ -2652.70, 695.12, 67.8672 }
sf_rooflite [3877] on the dark background

Found objects: 36

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 1.78373 m.
Border box Length: 0.894226 m.
Width: 0.894196 m.
Height: 3.33574 m.
Files TXD: sfroofshit.txd
IDE: SFxref.ide
DFF: sf_rooflite.dff
Views 5909
sf_rooflite [3877] on the light background