GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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compmedhos2_LAe [3555]

compmedhos2_LAe [3555]
{ 2308.70, -1710.41, 16.0469 },
{ 2307.17, -1683.12, 15.3984 },
{ 2245.73, -1633.91, 17.3047 },
{ 2438.79, -1109.71, 44.1484 },
{ 2063.13, -1731.78, 15.2734 },
{ 2020.46, -1641.51, 15.1797 },
{ 2063.78, -1629.05, 15.2734 },
{ 2155.10, -1400.47, 27.1953 },
{ 2147.52, -1362.20, 27.0391 },
{ 2148.71, -1324.00, 27.1406 },
{ 2150.04, -1281.12, 25.5938 },
{ 2192.30, -1404.27, 27.0156 },
{ 2184.98, -1359.79, 27.2266 },
{ 2229.92, -1276.15, 26.6953 },
{ 2209.93, -1244.16, 25.5469 },
{ 2156.13, -1446.19, 27.1719 },
{ 2186.40, -1487.83, 27.1719 }
compmedhos2_LAe [3555] on the dark background

Found objects: 17

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 10.9065 m.
Border box Length: 10.81451 m.
Width: 13.03334 m.
Height: 5.46041 m.
Files TXD: comedhos1_la.txd
IDE: LAxref.ide
DFF: compmedhos2_LAe.dff
Views 7073
compmedhos2_LAe [3555] on the light background