GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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vgsN_rooflitb [3519]

vgsN_rooflitb [3519]
{ 2225.44, 1993.99, 13.5312 },
{ 2254.68, 1993.99, 12.4062 },
{ 2277.21, 1993.99, 11.0391 },
{ 2301.62, 1993.99, 9.5469 },
{ 2319.91, 1937.98, 8.0859 },
{ 2319.91, 1965.79, 8.0859 },
{ 2319.91, 1993.99, 8.9688 },
{ 2490.05, 2377.16, 9.8594 },
{ 2490.05, 2387.41, 13.4062 },
{ 2492.74, 2397.82, 8.0313 },
{ 2492.74, 2397.82, 14.6328 },
{ 2405.82, 2557.12, 16.4531 },
{ 2225.38, 2457.88, -1.8516 },
{ 2276.08, 2452.11, 15.1172 },
{ 2276.08, 2468.21, 15.1172 },
{ 2282.59, 2497.62, 0.9531 },
{ 2323.84, 2447.24, 8.3047 }
vgsN_rooflitb [3519] on the dark background

Found objects: 17

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision No
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 1.92563 m.
Border box Length: 3.73544 m.
Width: 0.784757 m.
Height: 0.5134317 m.
Files TXD: vgsn_rooflit.txd
IDE: vegaxref.ide
DFF: vgsN_rooflitb.dff
Views 4041
vgsN_rooflitb [3519] on the light background