GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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shabbyhouse03_lvs [3464]

shabbyhouse03_lvs [3464]
{ 2014.15, 648.26, 12.1172 },
{ 1842.38, 690.28, 12.1094 },
{ 2040.57, 698.24, 12.1094 },
{ 2013.40, 728.21, 12.1094 },
{ 2043.15, 778.25, 12.1094 },
{ 2094.21, 648.26, 12.1172 },
{ 2177.95, 658.14, 12.1172 },
{ 2258.01, 658.13, 12.1094 },
{ 2120.31, 698.24, 12.1094 },
{ 2177.39, 688.20, 12.1172 },
{ 2257.04, 688.20, 12.1094 },
{ 2093.46, 728.21, 12.1094 },
{ 2123.21, 778.25, 12.1016 },
{ 2177.47, 738.25, 12.1172 },
{ 2257.46, 738.26, 12.1172 },
{ 2317.73, 658.25, 12.1094 },
{ 2397.38, 658.26, 12.1172 },
{ 2452.42, 662.73, 12.1172 },
{ 2317.31, 688.20, 12.1172 },
{ 2397.03, 688.20, 12.1094 },
{ 2398.21, 738.25, 12.1172 },
{ 2452.42, 742.79, 12.1172 },
{ 1032.52, 1876.50, 12.1250 },
{ 982.56, 1930.52, 12.1250 },
{ 1032.42, 1976.25, 12.1250 },
{ 1082.36, 1976.56, 12.1250 },
{ 1362.36, 1896.56, 12.1250 },
{ 1411.51, 1920.16, 12.1250 },
{ 1322.36, 1976.26, 12.1250 },
{ 1462.35, 1919.89, 12.1172 },
{ 957.08, 2268.12, 12.1250 },
{ 982.32, 2343.55, 12.1250 },
{ 1593.35, 2038.23, 12.1250 },
{ 1682.36, 2046.42, 12.1250 },
{ 1593.35, 2123.09, 12.1172 },
{ 1682.36, 2123.23, 12.1172 },
{ 1643.41, 2149.89, 11.9688 },
{ 982.36, 2030.01, 12.1250 },
{ 1362.24, 2003.61, 12.1172 },
{ 1552.41, 2096.55, 12.1172 }
shabbyhouse03_lvs [3464] on the dark background

Found objects: 40

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 28.3883 m.
Border box Length: 30.063 m.
Width: 26.8135 m.
Height: 6.06843 m.
Files TXD: vegashse2.txd
IDE: vegaxref.ide
DFF: shabbyhouse03_lvs.dff
Views 3886
shabbyhouse03_lvs [3464] on the light background