GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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nt_noddonkbase [3426]

nt_noddonkbase [3426]
{ 353.70, 1302.04, 11.5625 },
{ 491.02, 1306.91, 8.2656 },
{ 563.02, 1308.99, 9.4688 },
{ 628.15, 1354.41, 11.3828 },
{ 419.45, 1411.88, 6.7656 },
{ 405.59, 1463.84, 6.3906 },
{ 433.97, 1565.97, 10.9844 },
{ 578.51, 1424.62, 10.5312 },
{ 534.69, 1471.11, 3.8047 },
{ 600.84, 1500.15, 7.2578 }
nt_noddonkbase [3426] on the dark background

Found objects: 10

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation Yes
Size (radius) 18.7524 m.
Border box Length: 11.56827 m.
Width: 24.1409 m.
Height: 31.47812 m.
Files TXD: des_xoilfield.txd
IDE: counxref.ide
DFF: nt_noddonkbase.dff
Views 3197
nt_noddonkbase [3426] on the light background