GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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cxrf_brigleg [3330]

cxrf_brigleg [3330]
{ -568.16, 624.81, 2.0234 },
{ -642.31, 657.70, 2.0234 },
{ -715.30, 690.31, 2.0234 },
{ -178.72, 326.54, -3.5391 },
{ -477.73, 1054.16, -4.5859 },
{ -158.35, 403.91, -3.5391 },
{ 703.48, 2364.22, 18.7734 },
{ 765.87, 2342.07, 16.3594 },
{ 832.27, 2371.89, 16.3594 },
{ 475.23, 537.32, 3.3203 },
{ 521.12, 471.79, 3.3203 },
{ 567.01, 406.25, 3.3203 },
{ -2901.39, -1114.92, -2.7969 },
{ -2878.21, -971.98, -2.7969 },
{ -1664.32, -1636.61, 20.6406 }
cxrf_brigleg [3330] on the dark background

Found objects: 15

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 42.9283 m.
Border box Length: 34.2867 m.
Width: 33.1703 m.
Height: 75.2148 m.
Files TXD: desertmisc.txd
IDE: counxref.ide
DFF: cxrf_brigleg.dff
Views 3176
cxrf_brigleg [3330] on the light background