GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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conhoos4 [3285]

conhoos4 [3285]
{ -82.17, 912.42, 21.9375 },
{ -62.30, 968.40, 20.6250 },
{ 26.22, 925.91, 24.4844 },
{ 61.91, 1000.53, 14.5234 },
{ -264.02, 2766.41, 62.7500 },
{ -166.13, 2731.09, 63.0703 },
{ 334.51, 32.95, 7.2969 },
{ 256.36, -17.60, 2.4609 },
{ 1442.71, 358.76, 19.7031 },
{ 1410.15, 367.84, 20.0625 },
{ 1461.10, 361.12, 19.9688 },
{ 1475.19, 350.75, 19.6484 },
{ -739.88, 1437.26, 16.9844 },
{ -1667.11, 2551.06, 86.1172 },
{ -1574.55, 2691.69, 56.6484 },
{ -1534.45, 2689.27, 56.6484 },
{ -1464.34, 2656.50, 56.6484 },
{ -73.80, -1141.42, 1.9844 },
{ 2434.61, -1009.08, 55.2422 },
{ 2494.18, -1017.15, 66.2500 },
{ 2529.95, -1028.87, 70.4688 },
{ 2449.52, -961.90, 81.0078 },
{ 2513.21, -962.33, 82.8984 },
{ 2539.27, -1066.31, 70.5000 },
{ 2544.55, -1029.12, 70.4688 },
{ 2586.61, -971.59, 82.2344 }
conhoos4 [3285] on the dark background

Found objects: 26

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 7.33761 m.
Border box Length: 8.23092 m.
Width: 11.93566 m.
Height: 3.79256 m.
Files TXD: conhooses.txd
IDE: counxref.ide
DFF: conhoos4.dff
Views 5403
conhoos4 [3285] on the light background