GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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conhoos1 [3242]

conhoos1 [3242]
{ -130.38, 972.12, 20.6406 },
{ -1.95, 947.92, 20.4922 },
{ 20.54, 906.36, 24.5938 },
{ -229.25, 2809.95, 62.8438 },
{ -147.79, 2684.81, 63.2188 },
{ 721.47, 272.74, 23.2422 },
{ 702.79, 294.84, 21.2109 },
{ 744.84, 275.20, 28.0078 },
{ 786.77, 350.10, 20.3828 },
{ 313.52, 20.61, 5.3047 },
{ 321.51, 54.68, 4.1641 },
{ 1404.59, 337.41, 19.6953 },
{ 1427.46, 360.11, 19.6641 },
{ 1457.79, 344.29, 19.7422 },
{ 1476.66, 369.19, 20.4453 },
{ -789.06, 1630.16, 27.9453 },
{ -1667.27, 2594.55, 82.2344 },
{ -1584.05, 2652.46, 56.6484 },
{ -1568.10, 2709.65, 56.6484 },
{ -1493.84, 2688.99, 56.6484 }
conhoos1 [3242] on the dark background

Found objects: 20

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 7.25156 m.
Border box Length: 11.93627 m.
Width: 8.0058 m.
Height: 3.87873 m.
Files TXD: conhooses.txd
IDE: counxref.ide
DFF: conhoos1.dff
Views 5397
conhoos1 [3242] on the light background