GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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conhoos2 [3241]

conhoos2 [3241]
{ -120.87, 919.76, 19.4766 },
{ 23.38, 964.90, 19.1484 },
{ 706.66, 1194.23, 12.9141 },
{ -258.84, 2786.15, 62.2266 },
{ -165.39, 2708.10, 62.2266 },
{ 749.73, 254.20, 26.4766 },
{ 743.40, 303.66, 19.7656 },
{ 251.91, -32.38, 1.0625 },
{ 1417.22, 327.65, 18.2969 },
{ -1671.35, 2485.52, 86.5859 },
{ -1568.96, 2633.52, 55.3281 },
{ 2386.48, -1035.26, 53.0234 },
{ 2512.18, -1023.92, 69.5312 },
{ 2530.03, -960.04, 81.2891 },
{ 2458.71, -944.49, 79.5391 },
{ 2578.95, -1029.98, 69.0859 },
{ 2581.50, -949.95, 80.7969 }
conhoos2 [3241] on the dark background

Found objects: 17

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 7.89654 m.
Border box Length: 8.8356 m.
Width: 12.9043 m.
Height: 3.87891 m.
Files TXD: conhooses.txd
IDE: counxref.ide
DFF: conhoos2.dff
Views 4873
conhoos2 [3241] on the light background