GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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gen_roofbit4 [1690]

gen_roofbit4 [1690]
{ 1361.13, 184.72, 23.8438 },
{ 2327.44, -62.19, 30.4922 },
{ 2277.74, 56.21, 30.1641 },
{ 697.07, -611.78, 23.9844 },
{ 694.64, -571.49, 21.0078 },
{ 702.53, -546.61, 21.0078 },
{ 706.13, -510.29, 20.9766 },
{ 614.47, -499.91, 20.7734 },
{ 844.79, -747.65, 98.9922 },
{ 816.46, -580.60, 19.0000 },
{ 814.79, -555.64, 19.9688 },
{ 1252.88, 206.54, 25.3125 },
{ 1270.48, 240.46, 30.7734 },
{ 1254.85, 316.20, 24.3984 },
{ 1295.73, 230.06, 23.3906 },
{ 1289.91, 300.32, 28.1953 },
{ 1355.94, 312.52, 24.2031 },
{ 1411.73, 220.28, 23.6406 },
{ 1336.55, 390.07, 27.7031 },
{ 584.52, -1159.37, 56.2969 },
{ 660.43, -1120.97, 48.2656 },
{ 739.82, -1000.25, 57.6484 },
{ 878.14, -884.59, 81.0234 },
{ 994.50, -830.34, 99.5156 },
{ 1444.58, -920.89, 47.9844 },
{ 1502.15, -907.84, 65.0312 },
{ 1339.11, -637.11, 113.6640 },
{ 1530.86, -895.20, 60.7500 },
{ 141.80, -1476.02, 28.2969 },
{ 151.80, -1454.80, 35.9922 },
{ 322.13, -1225.20, 84.3984 },
{ 392.33, -1287.85, 54.0938 },
{ 388.67, -1279.52, 54.0938 },
{ 443.53, -1258.65, 54.6797 },
{ 536.59, -1185.71, 61.9609 },
{ 481.46, -1111.61, 86.1094 },
{ -1771.16, 769.89, 167.3830 },
{ -1771.16, 788.99, 167.3830 },
{ -1673.68, 872.44, 135.7030 },
{ -1660.45, 872.44, 135.7030 },
{ -1673.68, 894.45, 135.7030 },
{ -1660.45, 894.45, 135.7030 },
{ -1893.58, 276.89, 46.6328 },
{ -1900.11, 276.89, 46.6328 }
gen_roofbit4 [1690] on the dark background

Found objects: 44

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 2.66932 m.
Border box Length: 1.249575 m.
Width: 4.4071 m.
Height: 1.398429 m.
Files TXD: genroofbits.txd
IDE: multiobj.ide
DFF: gen_roofbit4.dff
Views 3925
gen_roofbit4 [1690] on the light background