GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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nt_aircon1dbl [1635]

nt_aircon1dbl [1635]
{ 2215.91, -2664.28, 14.9297 },
{ 2253.06, -2581.35, 11.4922 },
{ 2209.45, -2534.08, 16.7188 },
{ 2253.06, -2509.75, 11.4922 },
{ 2255.30, -2393.80, 14.7109 },
{ 2391.95, -2252.00, 16.3438 },
{ 2255.84, -2013.59, 15.1484 },
{ 2235.83, -1982.20, 17.6250 },
{ 2296.67, -1982.20, 17.6250 },
{ 2230.18, -1943.55, 17.0156 },
{ 2268.89, -1943.58, 17.0156 },
{ 2302.10, -1958.66, 17.0156 },
{ 2430.58, -2653.95, 23.7188 },
{ 2511.84, -2622.62, 17.3906 },
{ 2471.59, -2494.07, 15.0781 },
{ 2459.34, -2427.83, 16.7422 },
{ 2483.72, -2403.34, 16.7422 },
{ 2512.01, -2375.09, 16.7422 },
{ 2513.68, -2219.56, 16.0938 },
{ 2560.99, -2219.56, 16.0938 },
{ 2704.37, -2487.87, 20.5625 },
{ 2440.36, -1974.93, 16.0391 },
{ 2456.40, -1959.56, 16.0391 },
{ 2458.94, -1967.32, 17.4844 },
{ 2441.44, -1901.70, 14.7266 },
{ 1091.88, -1878.38, 16.0391 },
{ 1142.13, -1877.01, 14.0391 },
{ 1164.46, -1877.01, 14.0391 },
{ 1191.29, -1877.01, 14.0391 },
{ 677.20, -1328.88, 25.1094 },
{ 696.20, -1328.88, 25.1094 },
{ 702.23, -1328.88, 25.1094 },
{ 721.21, -1328.88, 25.1094 },
{ 860.91, -1359.80, 16.0859 },
{ 868.06, -1340.61, 17.4844 },
{ -2444.82, 2251.99, 10.1484 },
{ -2226.06, 2360.83, 6.3984 }
nt_aircon1dbl [1635] on the dark background

Found objects: 37

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 2.95377 m.
Border box Length: 1.12096 m.
Width: 4.95133 m.
Height: 3.02107 m.
Files TXD: genalley.txd
IDE: multiobj.ide
DFF: nt_aircon1dbl.dff
Views 4568
nt_aircon1dbl [1635] on the light background