GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Gen_doorEXT15 [1536]

Gen_doorEXT15 [1536]
{ 243.72, -179.13, 0.5703 },
{ 2332.70, 60.80, 25.6953 },
{ 207.50, -113.13, 3.8828 },
{ 1297.02, -797.59, 83.1250 },
{ 1300.03, -797.56, 83.1250 },
{ 1260.06, -786.90, 91.0156 },
{ 1260.03, -783.88, 91.0156 },
{ 1333.70, -633.38, 108.1170 },
{ 1330.84, -634.39, 108.1170 },
{ 1555.93, -1677.12, 15.1797 },
{ 1555.89, -1674.11, 15.1797 },
{ -2214.37, 720.35, 48.4531 },
{ -2156.93, 646.15, 51.3594 },
{ -2098.81, 896.97, 75.6953 },
{ -1912.06, 827.06, 34.4531 },
{ -1815.07, 619.10, 34.1562 },
{ -1809.55, 945.63, 23.8359 },
{ -1720.52, 1358.24, 6.1797 },
{ 2507.61, 2119.89, 9.8281 }
Gen_doorEXT15 [1536] on the dark background

Found objects: 19

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 1.45831 m.
Border box Length: 1.499996 m.
Width: 0.8 m.
Height: 2.49883 m.
Files TXD: ext_doors2.txd
IDE: dynamic2.ide
DFF: Gen_doorEXT15.dff
Views 7074
Gen_doorEXT15 [1536] on the light background