GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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The door from the store (Gen_doorEXT11) [1532]

The door from the store (Gen_doorEXT11) [1532]
{ 1353.13, -1759.66, 12.5000 },
{ 1977.05, -2035.89, 12.5391 },
{ 2401.26, -1982.40, 12.5391 },
{ 2724.86, -2025.80, 12.5469 },
{ 1939.60, -2116.76, 12.6797 },
{ -1677.01, 431.93, 6.1797 },
{ -2025.83, -102.47, 34.2734 },
{ -2241.41, 129.34, 34.3281 },
{ -2490.59, -38.12, 24.6094 },
{ -2489.46, -28.30, 24.6094 },
{ -2572.19, 246.56, 9.6172 },
{ -2355.41, 1008.87, 49.8906 },
{ 2168.98, 2796.59, 9.8125 },
{ 2351.05, 2534.03, 9.8125 },
{ 2473.30, 2033.45, 10.0547 },
{ 2545.76, 1973.07, 9.8047 },
{ 2539.95, 2084.73, 9.8125 },
{ 2195.34, 1991.77, 11.2891 },
{ 2367.46, 2071.85, 9.8281 },
{ 2394.01, 2041.16, 9.8359 },
{ 2451.73, 2065.59, 9.8359 },
{ 2825.86, 2408.36, 10.0547 },
{ 2837.36, 2407.42, 10.0547 },
{ 2802.67, 2431.55, 10.0547 },
{ 2779.48, 2454.73, 10.0547 },
{ 2883.73, 2453.80, 10.0547 },
{ 2756.53, 2478.16, 10.0547 },
{ 2248.43, 2395.77, 9.8047 }
The door from the store (Gen_doorEXT11) [1532] on the dark background

Found objects: 28

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 1.45917 m.
Border box Length: 1.499996 m.
Width: 0.8 m.
Height: 2.49884 m.
Files TXD: SHOP_doors2.txd
IDE: dynamic2.ide
DFF: Gen_doorEXT11.dff
Tags Door
Views 6698
The door from the store (Gen_doorEXT11) [1532] on the light background