GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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tag_kilo [1525]

tag_kilo [1525]
{ 1974.09, -1351.16, 24.5625 },
{ 2093.76, -1413.45, 24.1172 },
{ 1969.59, -1289.70, 24.5625 },
{ 1966.95, -1174.73, 20.0391 },
{ 1911.87, -1064.40, 25.1875 },
{ 2462.27, -1541.41, 25.4219 },
{ 2346.52, -1350.78, 24.2812 },
{ 2273.02, -1687.43, 14.9688 },
{ 2422.91, -1682.30, 13.9922 },
{ 1549.89, -1714.52, 15.1016 },
{ 1498.63, -1207.35, 24.6797 },
{ 1519.42, -1010.95, 24.6094 },
{ 1687.23, -1239.12, 15.8125 },
{ 1783.97, -2156.54, 14.3125 },
{ 1624.62, -2296.24, 14.3125 },
{ 2065.44, -1897.23, 13.6094 },
{ 2134.33, -2011.20, 10.5156 },
{ 1271.48, -1662.32, 20.2500 }
tag_kilo [1525] on the dark background

Found objects: 18

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision No
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 1.41439 m.
Border box Length: 0.0249023 m.
Width: 2.000493 m.
Height: 2.000004 m.
Files TXD: tags_LAkilo.txd
IDE: dynamic2.ide
DFF: tag_kilo.dff
Views 4835
tag_kilo [1525] on the light background