GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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CJ_BIG_SKIP1 [1365]

CJ_BIG_SKIP1 [1365]
{ 861.98, -1380.46, 13.6250 },
{ -1908.76, 220.17, 35.2969 },
{ 2677.27, 861.69, 11.0469 },
{ 2801.07, 858.10, 10.8516 },
{ 2848.48, 857.18, 10.8516 },
{ 2849.54, 945.02, 10.7812 },
{ 2796.60, 984.82, 10.7812 },
{ 2338.29, 2787.05, 10.9531 },
{ 2366.08, 2797.53, 10.9531 },
{ 2372.67, 2797.53, 10.9531 },
{ 2383.83, 2757.98, 10.9531 },
{ 2785.82, 2537.13, 10.9531 },
{ 2789.03, 2533.91, 10.9531 },
{ 1392.22, 939.72, 10.9609 },
{ 1379.15, 989.31, 10.9609 },
{ 1379.15, 997.11, 10.9609 },
{ 1495.38, 1007.79, 10.9609 },
{ 1745.07, 987.13, 10.9609 },
{ 1064.83, 1979.13, 10.9609 },
{ 1429.62, 1886.73, 10.9609 },
{ 1444.27, 1899.67, 10.9609 },
{ 1050.45, 2040.26, 10.9609 },
{ 1569.30, 2070.12, 10.9609 },
{ 1569.84, 2153.74, 10.9609 }
CJ_BIG_SKIP1 [1365] on the dark background

Found objects: 24

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 3.32016 m.
Border box Length: 5.46861 m.
Width: 2.98624 m.
Height: 2.29577 m.
Files TXD: BREAK_S_WS.txd
IDE: dynamic2.ide
Views 3841
CJ_BIG_SKIP1 [1365] on the light background