GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Mpostbox1 [1258]

Mpostbox1 [1258]
{ 1445.01, -1704.77, 13.6953 },
{ 1445.01, -1692.23, 13.6953 },
{ 1510.89, -1607.31, 13.6953 },
{ -2243.89, 1163.73, 55.5781 },
{ -2617.40, 817.44, 49.5859 },
{ -2516.08, 898.78, 64.5703 },
{ -2374.50, 798.75, 34.8047 },
{ -2247.07, 868.65, 66.3359 },
{ -2596.37, 459.02, 14.2266 },
{ -2756.44, 698.56, 40.9531 },
{ -2374.53, 678.21, 34.8047 },
{ -2247.36, 700.09, 49.0859 },
{ 1116.16, 1363.60, 10.4297 }
Mpostbox1 [1258] on the dark background

Found objects: 13

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 0.807899 m.
Border box Length: 0.832641 m.
Width: 0.703479 m.
Height: 1.381072 m.
Files TXD: dynpostbx.txd
IDE: dynamic.ide
DFF: Mpostbox1.dff
Views 5292
Mpostbox1 [1258] on the light background