GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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newramp [1245]

newramp [1245]
{ 2164.54, 1244.07, 11.1562 },
{ 2675.52, 1172.93, 11.1562 },
{ 2183.22, 2556.13, 11.1719 },
{ 2229.81, 2565.17, 11.1719 },
{ 2787.20, 2209.64, 11.3750 },
{ 2414.75, 1944.17, 6.3672 },
{ 1631.44, 1045.13, 11.1719 },
{ 1637.92, 2396.56, 11.1719 },
{ 1704.29, 2382.14, 11.1719 },
{ 1972.55, 2592.62, 11.1719 },
{ 1501.68, 1925.59, 11.1719 },
{ 1501.68, 1925.59, 11.1719 },
{ 1582.95, 1972.25, 11.1719 },
{ 1376.60, 2202.57, 11.1719 },
{ 1483.41, 2033.83, 11.3750 }
newramp [1245] on the dark background

Found objects: 15

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 3.37485 m.
Border box Length: 5.0815 m.
Width: 3.368166 m.
Height: 3.10005 m.
Files TXD: newramp.txd
IDE: dynamic.ide
DFF: newramp.dff
Views 4253
newramp [1245] on the light background