Class MiningSpeedModifier

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class MiningSpeedModifier extends Modifier
  • Method Details

    • fillModifierMenu

      public void fillModifierMenu(Group container, ObjectMap<String,Object> elements)
      Description copied from class: Modifier
      Add / update menu elements. Called each frame when the menu is visible. It is preferred to generate some kind of a menu's state hash and put it into the elements map. If hash has not changed since the last call, no change is required and this method can do nothing.
      fillModifierMenu in class Modifier
      elements - is preserved between method calls so you don't have to add new actors. If this array is empty, the menu has been just opened and all actors should be re-created
    • createEfficiencyTable

      public static Table createEfficiencyTable(GameSystemProvider S, int currentModCount)