Class LuaDefinitionsGenerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Disposable, UiManager.UiComponent

public class LuaDefinitionsGenerator extends UiManager.UiComponent.Adapter
1. Parses remote Javadoc websites and collects a tree of packages/classes/methods etc. 2. Scans the runtime for every possible thing that can be available to Lua. 3. Filters out things not on the Lua whitelist 4. Generates Lua definition files to the local dir Definitions will always have a proper package/class/method/field names and their types. If generator can not find a javadoc for something, it may result in: - Incorrect parameter names (int arg0, int arg1...) instead of something human-readable (int x, int y...) - Documentation will not be added to the definitions (which you normally can find in a javadoc) Javadocs can be skipped / not specified to generate correct Lua definitions but you will have to refer to Javadocs for parameter names and documentation.
  • Constructor Details

    • LuaDefinitionsGenerator

      public LuaDefinitionsGenerator()
  • Method Details