Class DebugPool<T>


public abstract class DebugPool<T> extends Pool<T>
Should not be used in production (reflection access to a private field - its name will be changed by proguard)
  • Constructor Details

    • DebugPool

      public DebugPool(int initialCapacity, int max)
  • Method Details

    • obtain

      public T obtain()
      Description copied from class: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool
      Returns an object from this pool. The object may be new (from Pool.newObject()) or reused (previously freed).
      obtain in class Pool<T>
    • free

      public void free(T object)
      Description copied from class: com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool
      Puts the specified object in the pool, making it eligible to be returned by Pool.obtain(). If the pool already contains Pool.max free objects, the specified object is discarded, it is not reset and not added to the pool.

      The pool does not check if an object is already freed, so the same object must not be freed multiple times.

      free in class Pool<T>