Class LuaError

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LuaError extends RuntimeException
RuntimeException that is thrown and caught in response to a lua error.

LuaError is used wherever a lua call to error() would be used within a script.

Since it is an unchecked exception inheriting from RuntimeException, Java method signatures do notdeclare this exception, althoug it can be thrown on almost any luaj Java operation. This is analagous to the fact that any lua script can throw a lua error at any time.

The LuaError may be constructed with a message object, in which case the message is the string representation of that object. getMessageObject will get the object supplied at construct time, or a LuaString containing the message of an object was not supplied.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LuaError

      public LuaError(Throwable cause)
      Construct LuaError when a program exception occurs.

      All errors generated from lua code should throw LuaError(String) instead.

      cause - the Throwable that caused the error, if known.
    • LuaError

      public LuaError(String message)
      Construct a LuaError with a specific message.
      message - message to supply
    • LuaError

      public LuaError(String message, int level)
      Construct a LuaError with a message, and level to draw line number information from.
      message - message to supply
      level - where to supply line info from in call stack
    • LuaError

      public LuaError(String message, int level, Throwable t)
    • LuaError

      public LuaError(LuaValue message_object)
      Construct a LuaError with a LuaValue as the message object, and level to draw line number information from.
      message_object - message string or object to supply
  • Method Details

    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Get the string message if it was supplied, or a string representation of the message object if that was supplied.
      getMessage in class Throwable
    • getMessageObject

      public LuaValue getMessageObject()
      Get the LuaValue that was provided in the constructor, or a LuaString containing the message if it was a string error argument.
      LuaValue which was used in the constructor, or a LuaString containing the message.
    • getCause

      public Throwable getCause()
      Get the cause, if any.
      getCause in class Throwable