Package com.prineside.tdi2.utils
package com.prineside.tdi2.utils
ClassDescriptionSimilar to BaseDrawable but has a smaller memory footprint and does not have a nameDebugPool<T>Should not be used in production (reflection access to a private field - its name will be changed by proguard)Not Affects Game State Kryo serialization will skip fields and classes annotated with itUsage: FloatSorter sorter = FloatSorter.getInstance(); sorter.begin(); sorter.add("Foo", 5f); sorter.add("Bar", -3.5f); ...Формирует список всех алиасов для i18nByteArrayOutputStream with size limit May corrupt strings at the beginningNot Affects Game State Game will not compare annotated fields on sync checksObjectFilter<T>Implementation of Batch which does not draw anything.Register for Serialization Kryo will register this class automatically at the start of the gameStrictArray<T>Не позволяет удалять элементы во время итерации Вложенная итерация разрешена