Number of reports matching the filters
Matching | Total | Match % | |
All reports | 119,989 | 136,385 | 87.98% |
Android | 90,501 | 94,055 | 96.22% |
Desktop | 29,488 | 29,799 | 98.96% |
iOS | 0 | 12,531 | 0.00% |
Platform versions
Number of reports matching the filters. Name of the platforms is retrieved from
Note: these charts are specific for Infinitode 2 and do not represent the actual popularity of these platforms
Note: Java reports Windows 11 as "Windows 10"
Version | Reports | Share |
Windows 10 10.0 | 28,232 | 95.74% |
Windows Server 2019 10.0 | 3 | 0.01% |
Windows 8.1 6.3 | 246 | 0.83% |
Windows 8 6.2 | 10 | 0.03% |
Windows 7 6.1 | 996 | 3.38% |
Arch Linux 6.1 | 1 | 0.00% |
Note: also see
Version | Reports | Share | Cumulative |
Android 13 (33) | 8,646 | 9.55% |
9.55% |
Android 12L (32) | 1,806 | 2.00% |
11.55% |
Android 12 (31) | 29,654 | 32.77% |
44.32% |
Android 11 (30) | 22,302 | 24.64% |
68.96% |
Android 10 (29) | 16,924 | 18.70% |
87.66% |
Android 9 (28) | 7,424 | 8.20% |
95.86% |
Android 8.1 (27) | 2,146 | 2.37% |
98.23% |
Android 8.0 (26) | 1,599 | 1.77% |
100.00% |