Matching | Total | Match % | |
All reports | 29,799 | 136,385 | 21.85% |
Android | 0 | 94,055 | 0.00% |
Desktop | 29,799 | 29,799 | 100.00% |
iOS | 0 | 12,531 | 0.00% |
Pixel density, monitor count, safe screen insets (for notches / rounded corners) and back buffer scale.
Note: for screen resolutions / refresh rate, see "Display modes" report
Returned by
, this value roughly equals screen dpi / 160
. All of the dpi values in this report are calculated as round(density * 160)
Min | Max |
0.109 | 2.540 |
17dpi | 406dpi |
Top 10 density values (exactly the same value among the reports)
Density | Reports | Share |
0.89 / 142dpi | 4,422 | 27.94% |
0.51 / 82dpi | 2,125 | 13.42% |
0.58 / 93dpi | 1,650 | 10.42% |
0.68 / 109dpi | 1,599 | 10.10% |
0.57 / 92dpi | 1,454 | 9.19% |
0.59 / 94dpi | 1,213 | 7.66% |
0.60 / 96dpi | 968 | 6.12% |
0.64 / 102dpi | 897 | 5.67% |
0.63 / 101dpi | 849 | 5.36% |
0.99 / 158dpi | 652 | 4.12% |
All density values, rounded to 10dpi
Monitor count
Number of Monitors returned by
Min | Max |
1 | 8 |
Monitor count | Reports | Share |
1 | 21,492 | 72.12% |
2 | 7,317 | 24.55% |
3 | 898 | 3.01% |
4 | 83 | 0.28% |
5 | 6 | 0.02% |
6 | 2 | 0.01% |
8 | 1 | 0.00% |
Screen insets
Number of reports with non-zero[Top/Left/Right/Bottom]()
Actual values were not listed here as they all look meaningless - LibGDX reports them in logical pixels, and I'm not sure anyone would need this info as these values depend on app's implementation and are only used to calculate screen safe areas on the actual devices.
With insets | Share | No insets |
0 | 0.00% |
29,799 |
Back buffer scale
Value of
Scale | Reports | Share |
1.000 | 29,799 | 100.00% |