Number of reports matching the filters
Matching Total Match %
All reports 131 136,385
Android 131 94,055
Desktop 0 29,799
iOS 0 12,531

Java tests

Note: iOS does not allow to load bytecode in runtime, both ReflectASM and ByteBuddy do not work there

Note: ByteBuddy and ReflectASM fieldAccess tests passed on all of the Android and Desktop devices, except one - so, technically, it has 100% support on these platforms

Note: ReflectASM methodAccess tests failed for some Android devices with exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.prineside.tdi2.utils.PerformanceSurvey$TestClassMethodAccess (MethodAccess is a suffix added to an existing class name by ReflectASM)

Test Passed Support percentage
ByteBuddy 131
ReflectASM fieldAccess 131
ReflectASM methodAccess 131
Unsafe allocateMemory 131
Unsafe allocateInstance 131

Source code of tests

// Inner class (PerformanceSurvey$TestFieldAccess)
public static class TestClass {
    public int intVal;
    private int otherVal;

    public TestFieldAccessClass() {
        otherVal = 5;

    public TestClass() {

    public int getIntValPlus(int v) {
        return intVal + v;

    public int getMethodConstant() {
        return 200;

// Static instance of Unsafe
public static final Unsafe unsafe;
static {
    // This code worked on every platform and device
    try {
        Constructor unsafeConstructor = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredConstructor();
        unsafe = unsafeConstructor.newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
            Field f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
            unsafe = (Unsafe)f.get((Object) null);
        } catch (Exception ignored) {}


// Subclass, override a method and test its intercepted return value
DynamicType.Unloaded unloaded = new ByteBuddy().subclass(TestClass.class)

Class runtimeClass;
if ( == ApplicationType.Android) {
    ClassLoadingStrategy strategy = new AndroidClassLoadingStrategy.Wrapping(AndroidLauncher.this.getContext().getDir("generated", Context.MODE_PRIVATE));
    unloaded.load(PerformanceSurvey.class.getClassLoader(), strategy).getLoaded();
} else {
    runtimeClass = unloaded.load(PerformanceSurvey.class.getClassLoader()).getLoaded();

TestClass testObj = (TestClass) runtimeClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
assert testObj.getMethodConstant() == 301;

ReflectASM fieldAccess

TestClass asmTestObject = new TestClass();
asmTestObject.intVal = 9001;

FieldAccess intValFA = FieldAccess.get(TestClass.class);
intValFA.setInt(asmTestObject, intValFA.getIndex("intVal"), 12701);
assert intValFA.getInt(asmTestObject, intValFA.getIndex("intVal")) == 12701;

ReflectASM methodAccess

TestClass asmTestObject = new TestClass();
asmTestObject.intVal = 9001;

MethodAccess ma = MethodAccess.get(TestClass.class);
int mIdx = ma.getIndex("getIntValPlus", int.class);
assert (int) ma.invoke(asmTestObject, mIdx, 500) == 9001 + 500;

Unsafe allocateMemory

long addr = unsafe.allocateMemory(64);
unsafe.putByte(addr + 7, 121);
assert unsafe.getByte(addr + 7) == 121;

Unsafe allocateInstance

TestClass testObj = (TestClass) unsafe.allocateInstance(TestClass.class);
assert testObj.otherVal == 0;