Survey results
These survey reports were received from the players of Infinitode 2 between Aug 22 2022 and Feb 28 2023.
Infinitode 2 runs on Android 4.1 (16)+, iOS 14.0+ and any Windows version which supports Java 16+, also it does not support devices that can not load textures of size 4096x4096px.
Statistics were not collected for the unsupported systems.
Note: some reports may take a long time to load (15-30s or even much more) depending on the amount of filters / type of a report. Please be patient - next time you load the report with the same filters it'll be ready in no time. This website runs on a busy and slow server.
OS versionsJava max memoryGPU vendorsGPU renderersOpenGL versionGLSL versionGLSL version (short)OpenGL extensionsOpenGL capabilitiesJava testsMonitorsDisplay modesCPUAndroid brandsAndroid devicesAndroid featuresReports by platform
As reported by
Platform | Reports |
Note: this chart is specific for Infinitode 2 and does not represent the actual popularity of these platforms
Some observations
- Java's Unsafe is available on every device / platform but its functionality varies
- Kryonet works on every device with very minor failure rate due to an inability to bind to a port (device specific, mostly Android).
- Android 8.0 (26) is low enough to be used as a minimum supported OS version. It covers 95%+ of the market and allows to use (most of the) modern Java / Android features.
- iOS has poor support - OpenGL is always limited to GLES 2.0 (ANGLE is used), Unsafe is iffy and there's no support for any kind of bytecode manipulations. It also reports incorrect values for some of the statistics and its performance is worse than on Android in most cases.
- Computations are ~3.8x slower on Android (comparing average desktop to an average Android CPU performance)
- It is safe to use GLES 3.0.0+ on Android as almost every device supports it (but don't forget to add a requirement to the manifest)
- OpenGL 3.1+ works almost on every Windows device tested, but even 4.6.0+ has a great coverage (92%) and should be considered for an optional visual features or optimizations (but Vulkan is still preferred)
- Sometimes, Android's features / brand names / OpenGL extension names are specified in a different letter case (for example, 'GL_EXT_cg_shader' instead of 'GL_EXT_Cg_shader')
- ByteBuddy and ReflectASM work good on every desktop device (obviously due to the same JVM used) and on almost every Android device with some minor exceptions - ~0.1% of Android devices failed to pass the tests