GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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Tree (Elmsparse_hism) [780]

Tree (Elmsparse_hism) [780]
{ -198.38, 821.53, 18.5625 },
{ -209.16, 1005.56, 18.1797 },
{ -147.25, 1055.52, 18.8750 },
{ 26.61, 1030.33, 16.6016 },
{ 60.48, 966.23, 15.6797 },
{ -325.96, 1109.56, 18.5000 },
{ -84.89, 1143.44, 18.4219 },
{ 160.77, 1054.51, 16.0312 },
{ 346.98, 110.44, 3.7578 },
{ 1301.59, 154.51, 19.3281 },
{ -42.21, -390.16, 5.1797 },
{ -23.06, -390.16, 5.1797 },
{ 9.06, -364.95, 5.1016 },
{ 10.34, -330.10, 5.1016 },
{ 247.29, -287.92, 0.5313 },
{ 244.44, -261.83, 0.5313 },
{ 2288.26, -116.69, 25.7891 },
{ 2210.05, -33.55, 25.6406 },
{ 2402.42, -41.52, 25.2578 },
{ 2545.14, -4.41, 25.3281 },
{ 2356.71, 107.79, 25.6406 },
{ 2244.41, 172.39, 26.2734 },
{ 2289.68, 176.06, 26.3125 },
{ 2332.19, 174.02, 25.5234 },
{ 2409.54, 15.46, 25.4609 },
{ 2448.98, 77.38, 26.4062 },
{ 2803.76, 33.77, 19.1250 },
{ 2714.62, 55.84, 21.8594 },
{ 2733.11, 83.27, 21.1484 },
{ 2471.27, 143.61, 25.2109 },
{ 204.94, -157.57, 0.8438 },
{ 274.03, -56.23, 0.5547 },
{ 321.07, -109.49, 0.6250 },
{ 246.30, -7.38, 0.8047 },
{ 299.79, 77.63, 1.6563 },
{ 318.43, 32.42, 2.8438 },
{ 321.77, 65.21, 2.1250 },
{ 707.99, -611.18, 15.1875 },
{ 734.89, -572.21, 16.0156 },
{ 628.20, -557.34, 15.3359 },
{ 604.02, -542.34, 15.0703 },
{ 754.69, -542.73, 15.3359 },
{ 838.02, -606.34, 17.1094 },
{ 876.38, -599.02, 17.0703 },
{ 779.95, -574.32, 16.0781 },
{ 773.80, -517.97, 15.0625 },
{ 798.77, -517.95, 15.3281 },
{ 813.63, -488.07, 16.1719 },
{ 1414.65, 303.69, 18.1953 },
{ 1418.67, 285.34, 18.1953 },
{ 1418.38, 403.88, 18.3828 },
{ 1509.25, 376.32, 18.5469 },
{ 1395.93, 444.84, 18.9297 },
{ 1423.72, 414.18, 18.6719 }
Tree (Elmsparse_hism) [780] on the dark background

Found objects: 54

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit No
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 11.585 m.
Border box Length: 18.59585 m.
Width: 14.0537 m.
Height: 12.15537 m.
Files TXD: tree1.txd
IDE: vegepart.ide
DFF: Elmsparse_hism.dff
Tags Plants Tree
Views 5683
Tree (Elmsparse_hism) [780] on the light background