GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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The traffic light (CJ_TRAFFIC_LIGHT3) [1352]

The traffic light (CJ_TRAFFIC_LIGHT3) [1352]
{ -269.78, 1088.11, 18.7109 },
{ -285.94, 1093.02, 18.7109 },
{ -264.91, 1103.99, 18.7109 },
{ -281.07, 1108.90, 18.7109 },
{ -205.92, 1093.02, 18.7109 },
{ -201.05, 1108.90, 18.7109 },
{ -185.18, 1087.84, 18.7109 },
{ -180.27, 1103.91, 18.7109 },
{ -184.98, 1188.02, 18.7109 },
{ -206.07, 1192.92, 18.7109 },
{ -180.11, 1203.90, 18.7109 },
{ -201.20, 1208.80, 18.7109 },
{ -59.78, 1088.11, 18.7109 },
{ -75.94, 1093.02, 18.7109 },
{ -54.91, 1103.99, 18.7109 },
{ -71.07, 1108.90, 18.7109 },
{ -109.95, 1188.02, 18.7109 },
{ -126.10, 1192.92, 18.7109 },
{ -105.07, 1203.90, 18.7109 },
{ -121.23, 1208.80, 18.7109 }
The traffic light (CJ_TRAFFIC_LIGHT3) [1352] on the dark background

Found objects: 20

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit Yes
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 2.5791 m.
Border box Length: 0.6772417 m.
Width: 0.4760595 m.
Height: 4.94061 m.
Files TXD: CJ_traffic.txd
IDE: dynamic2.ide
Tags Road
Views 11575
The traffic light (CJ_TRAFFIC_LIGHT3) [1352] on the light background