Interface Cullable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbilitySlotButton, AimStrategySelector, AttentionRaysUnderlay, BossHpBar, Button, CheckBox, ComplexButton, Container, EffectTooltip, ExpLine, FancyButton, GameplayBonusSummary, Group, GroupClipping, HorizontalGroup, HorizontalSlider, HotKeyHintLabel, ImageButton, ImageTextButton, ItemCell, LabelToggleButton, List, ListClassUsagesWindow, ListenerGroupViewer, MapEditorInventoryMenu.ItemSlot, MapEditorUi.ToolButton, Notifications, Notifications.Notification, OverlayContinueButton, PaddedImageButton, QuestList.QuestListItem, RectButton, ResearchScreenInventory, RightSideMenuButton, ScrollPane, SelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane, SellButton, SideMenu.SideMenuContainer, SimulationScreen.RunningSimCell, SplitPane, Stack, Table, TableButton, TextArea, TextButton, TextField, TextField.ContextMenu, TextFieldXPlatform, TileResources, TowerAbilityButton, Tree, UpgradeSubmenu, VerticalGroup, WebView, WidgetGroup, Window

public interface Cullable
Allows a parent to set the area that is visible on a child actor to allow the child to cull when drawing itself. This must only be used for actors that are not rotated or scaled.
Nathan Sweet
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details

    • setCullingArea

      void setCullingArea(@Null Rectangle cullingArea)
      cullingArea - The culling area in the child actor's coordinates.