Class RenderSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:
Disposable, KryoSerializable

public final class RenderSystem extends GameSystem
Manages the order of rendering. Everything, except the UI, is rendered through this system. Layers are ordered by "z-index", from lowest to the highest (higher z-index is being drawn on top of a lower ones). Default systems add their (default) layers with z-index specified in config.GameRenderingOrder. By default, LayerRenderers will receive an instance of Batch which is already prepared to be used (batch.begin() already called, color set to WHITE, previous layers are flushed if needed, projection and transform matrices are reset to camera / zero, blending is enabled and "additive" color mode is set to the value specified by the layer) and it guarantees that this batch has not been affected by the previous layers. It is not necessary to use this instance of batch and it can be completely ignored - batch is there for a convenience, other rendering methods (ShapeRenderer / PolygonBatch / SpriteCache etc) can be used instead but LayerRenderer must properly configure them manually (make sure to set a proper color / matrices etc). Layers can do whatever they need to in their LayerRenderers - for example, switch a shader / end the batch, use ShapeRenderer instead, start rendering to FrameBuffers (using RenderManager's methods) etc.
  • Field Details

    • gameOverGameSpeed

      public float gameOverGameSpeed
    • gameOverTimestamp

      public long gameOverTimestamp
    • gameOverInterpolatedTime

      public float gameOverInterpolatedTime
    • currentInGameDeltaTime

      public float currentInGameDeltaTime
    • currentInterpolatedDeltaTime

      public float currentInterpolatedDeltaTime
    • currentRealDeltaTime

      public float currentRealDeltaTime
  • Constructor Details

    • RenderSystem

      public RenderSystem()
  • Method Details