Class HotKeyHintLabel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class HotKeyHintLabel extends com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Constructor Summary

    HotKeyHintLabel(int[] keys, float x, float y)
    HotKeyHintLabel(int[] keys, float x, float y, int align)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addVariant(int[] keys)
    Альтернативная подсказка Если кнопка одна, будет показана через / всегда после обычного хоткея Если комбинация клавиш, будет показана вместо стандартной, если хотя бы одна клавиша зажата
    draw( batch, float parentAlpha)
    Draws the group and its children.
    Also escapes [ to [[
    static boolean
    static boolean

    Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group

    act, addActor, addActorAfter, addActorAt, addActorBefore, applyTransform, applyTransform, childrenChanged, clear, clear, clearChildren, clearChildren, computeTransform, debugAll, drawChildren, drawDebug, drawDebugChildren, findActor, getChild, getChildren, getCullingArea, hasChildren, hit, isTransform, localToDescendantCoordinates, removeActor, removeActor, removeActorAt, resetTransform, resetTransform, setCullingArea, setDebug, setStage, setTransform, swapActor, swapActor, toString

    Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor

    addAction, addCaptureListener, addListener, ancestorsVisible, ascendantsVisible, clearActions, clearListeners, clipBegin, clipBegin, clipEnd, debug, drawDebugBounds, fire, firstAscendant, getActions, getCaptureListeners, getColor, getDebug, getHeight, getListeners, getName, getOriginX, getOriginY, getParent, getRight, getRotation, getScaleX, getScaleY, getStage, getTop, getTouchable, getUserObject, getWidth, getX, getX, getY, getY, getZIndex, hasActions, hasKeyboardFocus, hasParent, hasScrollFocus, isAscendantOf, isDescendantOf, isTouchable, isTouchFocusListener, isTouchFocusTarget, isVisible, localToActorCoordinates, localToAscendantCoordinates, localToParentCoordinates, localToScreenCoordinates, localToStageCoordinates, moveBy, notify, parentToLocalCoordinates, positionChanged, remove, removeAction, removeCaptureListener, removeListener, rotateBy, rotationChanged, scaleBy, scaleBy, scaleChanged, screenToLocalCoordinates, setBounds, setColor, setColor, setDebug, setHeight, setName, setOrigin, setOrigin, setOriginX, setOriginY, setParent, setPosition, setPosition, setRotation, setScale, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setTouchable, setUserObject, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setX, setY, setY, setZIndex, sizeBy, sizeBy, sizeChanged, stageToLocalCoordinates, toBack, toFront

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • debug

      public boolean debug
  • Constructor Details

    • HotKeyHintLabel

      public HotKeyHintLabel(int[] keys, float x, float y)
    • HotKeyHintLabel

      public HotKeyHintLabel(int[] keys, float x, float y, int align)
  • Method Details

    • draw

      public void draw( batch, float parentAlpha)
      Description copied from class: com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group
      Draws the group and its children. The default implementation calls Group.applyTransform(Batch, Matrix4) if needed, then Group.drawChildren(Batch, float), then Group.resetTransform(Batch) if needed.
      draw in class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group
      parentAlpha - The parent alpha, to be multiplied with this actor's alpha, allowing the parent's alpha to affect all children.
    • addVariant

      public void addVariant(int[] keys)
      Альтернативная подсказка Если кнопка одна, будет показана через / всегда после обычного хоткея Если комбинация клавиш, будет показана вместо стандартной, если хотя бы одна клавиша зажата
    • isAvailable

      public static boolean isAvailable()
    • isEnabled

      public static boolean isEnabled()
    • generateHotKeysLabelText

      public static CharSequence generateHotKeysLabelText(int[] keys)
      Also escapes [ to [[