Class LJ_GDX.Audio_H.LIP

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.badlogic.gdx.Audio, com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoSerializable
Enclosing class:

public static class LJ_GDX.Audio_H.LIP extends InterfaceProxy implements com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class com.prineside.luaj.mapping.InterfaceProxy

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    This function returns a list of fully qualified Output device names.
    newAudioDevice(int p1, boolean p2)
    Creates a new AudioDevice either in mono or stereo mode.
    newAudioRecorder(int p1, boolean p2)
    Creates a new AudioRecorder.
    newMusic(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle p1)
    Creates a new Music instance which is used to play back a music stream from a file.
    newSound(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle p1)
    Creates a new Sound which is used to play back audio effects such as gun shots or explosions.
    Sets a new OutputDevice.

    Methods inherited from class com.prineside.luaj.mapping.InterfaceProxy

    getLuaObj, read, write

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • getAvailableOutputDevices

      public String[] getAvailableOutputDevices()
      Description copied from interface: com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      This function returns a list of fully qualified Output device names. This function is only implemented on desktop. On all other platforms it will return a empty array. It will also return a empty array on error. The names returned need os dependent preprocessing before exposing to a user.
      Specified by:
      getAvailableOutputDevices in interface com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      A array of available output devices
    • newAudioDevice

      public newAudioDevice(int p1, boolean p2)
      Description copied from interface: com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      Creates a new AudioDevice either in mono or stereo mode. The AudioDevice has to be disposed via its AudioDevice.dispose() method when it is no longer used.
      Specified by:
      newAudioDevice in interface com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      p1 - the sampling rate.
      p2 - whether the AudioDevice should be in mono or stereo mode
      the AudioDevice
    • newAudioRecorder

      public newAudioRecorder(int p1, boolean p2)
      Description copied from interface: com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      Creates a new AudioRecorder. The AudioRecorder has to be disposed after it is no longer used.
      Specified by:
      newAudioRecorder in interface com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      p1 - the sampling rate in Hertz
      p2 - whether the recorder records in mono or stereo
      the AudioRecorder
    • newMusic

      public newMusic(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle p1)
      Description copied from interface: com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      Creates a new Music instance which is used to play back a music stream from a file. Currently supported formats are WAV, MP3 and OGG. The Music instance has to be disposed if it is no longer used via the Music.dispose() method. Music instances are automatically paused when ApplicationListener.pause() is called and resumed when ApplicationListener.resume() is called.
      Specified by:
      newMusic in interface com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      p1 - the FileHandle
      the new Music or null if the Music could not be loaded
    • newSound

      public newSound(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle p1)
      Description copied from interface: com.badlogic.gdx.Audio

      Creates a new Sound which is used to play back audio effects such as gun shots or explosions. The Sound's audio data is retrieved from the file specified via the FileHandle. Note that the complete audio data is loaded into RAM. You should therefore not load big audio files with this methods. The current upper limit for decoded audio is 1 MB.

      Currently supported formats are WAV, MP3 and OGG.

      The Sound has to be disposed if it is no longer used via the Sound.dispose() method.

      Specified by:
      newSound in interface com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      the new Sound
    • switchOutputDevice

      public boolean switchOutputDevice(String p1)
      Description copied from interface: com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      Sets a new OutputDevice. The identifier can be retrieved from Audio.getAvailableOutputDevices(). If null is passed, it will switch to auto.
      Specified by:
      switchOutputDevice in interface com.badlogic.gdx.Audio
      p1 - device identifier to switch to, or null for auto