GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
GTA SA and SA-MP model ID
Prineside DevTools
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DYN_post_box [1478]

DYN_post_box [1478]
{ -2717.25, 994.79, 54.4453 },
{ -2659.38, 994.54, 64.5938 },
{ -2741.09, 895.70, 66.0625 },
{ -2741.24, 868.27, 65.1875 },
{ -2689.77, 883.73, 79.4062 },
{ -2667.80, 908.64, 79.3281 },
{ -2658.84, 890.91, 79.2578 },
{ -2634.53, 914.95, 70.5547 },
{ 1950.84, 2732.24, 10.4453 },
{ 1933.31, 2732.24, 10.4453 },
{ 1954.25, 2752.20, 10.4453 },
{ 1965.71, 2732.24, 10.4453 },
{ 1996.12, 2752.20, 10.4453 },
{ 2023.01, 2732.24, 10.4453 },
{ 2018.07, 2732.24, 10.4453 },
{ 1999.81, 2732.24, 10.4453 },
{ 2005.77, 2752.20, 10.4453 },
{ 2037.70, 2752.20, 10.4453 },
{ 2045.48, 2752.20, 10.4453 }
DYN_post_box [1478] on the dark background

Found objects: 19

Object model ID
Model name
Has collision Yes
Breaks on hit Yes
Visible by time No, visible always
Has animation No
Size (radius) 0.858208 m.
Border box Length: 0.2172293 m.
Width: 0.543697 m.
Height: 1.358927 m.
IDE: dynamic2.ide
DFF: DYN_post_box.dff
Views 4251
DYN_post_box [1478] on the light background